What should I know about this wrap?
The woven wrap will be the perfect companion in all stages and situations during your babywearing period. You can use it from the moment of birth, and it is safe to use for front, hip and back carry even from the very beginning, as it provides the anatomically perfect (so-called physiological) posture. Due to its versatility, you can easily find the best tying method even if you or your child have some musculoskeletal disorder or muscle tone. If you want something that will last a long time, pick a woven wrap. Ideal for front, back and hip carry, and is a very handy solution when breastfeeding.
As it distributes the weight evenly on your body (on a relatively large surface), it can even replace the pram, and can be a helpful accessory for long hikes.
Which size should I choose?
The Liliputi diamond weave wrap is available in 3 sizes (3.6m, 4.2m, 4.6m) to ensure that they are of sufficient length for everyone. Tapered tails provide easier tying. To pick the best size, it is up to a few aspects – your height, upper body width and even the breast size can play a role in it (however, the baby's body size is the least significant, you won’t probably need to purchase a bigger size when your child gets bigger later on). With the following set up we will try to give you some useful help to choose the best size:
Choose the 3.6m wrap if:
- your dress size is 36 or below; it will be ideal when using front, back, and hip carry in case of single or double layer tying methods (kangaroo carry, hip kangaroo, simple hip carry, rucksack, front wrap cross carry);
- you are shorter than 170cm and your size is 42 or below, and you will use single layer tying methods (kangaroo carry, simple hip carry or rucksack)
Choose the 4.2m wrap if:
- you are shorter than 170cm and your size is 38 or below, and you wish to use single, double or three layer tying (kangaroo carry, hip kangaroo, several hip carry types, rucksack, front wrap cross carry, duplo)
Choose the 4.6m wrap if:
- you are taller than 170cm;
- your size is 42 or larger and you wish to use single, double and three layer tying (kangaroo carry, hip kangaroo, several hip carry types, rucksack, front wrap cross carry, back cross carry, duplo)
- you are shorter than 170cm and your size is 38 or below, and you want to knit many knots which requires more material than average tying methods.
Which tying method should I choose?
There are many ways to tie the woven wrap, we recommend to learn the following basic tying methods on which the more complicated methods are based.
Kangaroo carry
We recommend this technique for newborn babies (even for prematured babies – but better consult with a babywearing consultant first). Once your baby reached 6-7kg weight, make sure to use front carry only occasionally in order to protect your own body.
Front wrap cross carry
We recommend this technique for newborn babies. Once your baby reached 6-7kg weight, make sure to use front carry only occasionally in order to protect your own body.
Rucksack carry
We recommend this technique from birth, until the end of the babywearing period. If your baby cannot hold his/her head stable yet, you can ensure to ease the neck muscles with the top rail supporting his/her body until the nape. Later on, depending on the physical development of your baby,you can adjust the top rail to your baby’s shoulders or armpits.
Washing & Care
In order to preserve the carrier in a good condition we recommend to always use washing bag. It is machine washable at max. 40 degrees. Use liquid laundry detergent and no softener. Requires low speed spin. Do not tumble dry!
Size and density
The wraps are 70cm wide, and available in 3 sizes regarding the length. It is a long lasting and carefully weaved wrap, which which has excellent quality and will be give you a comfortable feeling when using it. 100% Organic Cotton fabrics with GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certification, dyed with AZO-free paint.
Density: 220g/m2.
Liliputi usub koos veedetud aega. Naeru. Otsaette tehtud musidesse. Õhtujuttudesse.
Aeglasesse elutemposse. Pikka perspektiivi. Kogukonda panustamisesse. Oma inimestesse. Loovusesse. Raskesse töösse.Liliputi soov on edendada tervislikku lapsekandmist ning vanema ja lapse lähedust kõrge kvaliteediga lapsekandmisvahendite abil, mis on toodetud keskkonnasõbralikest materjalidest, kasutades kohalikul käsitööl põhinevat tootmistehnoloogiat. Kõike sellekes, et panustada rõõmsasse ja jätkusuutlikku tulevikku meie laste jaoks.
Liliputi tahab teha sinu igapäevaelu lastega natukene lihtsamaks. Kõik Liliputi tooted valmivad kõrge kvaliteediga lastesõbralikest materjalidest, enamus neist kannab GOTS sertifikaati. Paljusid Liliputi tooteid tehakse käsitsi, eesmärgiga tagada täiuslikkus tootmise igas faasis. Jätkusuutlikkus ja keskkonnakaitse on Liliputile olulised väärtused.
Liliputi kandelina kangas on pehme, sile – võiks öelda et isegi veidi nagu siidine, meeldiv ka palja naha vastas ja hea meelega seod sinna sisse õrna beebit
Kõrge kvaliteediga tooted ja lisaks veel ilusad ka. Väga mugav kasutada.
Suurepärased tooted ja suurepärane teenindus.
Liliputi Eesti
Liliputi Eesti usub suurtesse unistustesse ja väikestesse sammudesse. Tahame muuta lapsekandmise ja paljajalujalatsite maailma Eestis, Lätis, Leedus ja Soomes kirevamaks ja rikkalikumaks, tuues sulle Liliputi tooted, mis sobivad hästi meie kliimasse. Oleme siin, et teha lapsevanemlus sinu jaoks kergemaks ja lasta su lastel nautida looduslähedast ning vabadusest tulvil lapsepõlve. Teeme seda suure armastusega ja loodame, et ka sina avastad Liliputi imelise maailma.