4 in 1 coat
You can wear it without a baby or with the babywearing insert for front and back carry or even during pregnancy thanks to the included pregnancy insert. It is comfortable, stylish and durable. Its sleek design is sporty and elegant at the same time, therefore the coat it´s ideal for all occasions. Its vibrant colors lighten up the darkest winter. The Liliputi Mama Coat matches all the style lines of the Liliputi carriers and bags collections, but it doesn´t really matter which carrier you pick, it is bound to work.
Why SoftShell?
SoftShell is a special fabric, primarily used for professional outdoor equipment. The unique characteristics of the fabric facilitate that, which involve its resistance to water, along with breathability (permeability) as well as its particularly efficient windproof character that keeps its wearer warm. Its further specialties include flexibility which provides easy movement when it is worn. These features of SoftShell guarantee that Liliputi Baby Carrying Coats offer the ideal solution for those mommies who would like to carry their babies comfortably also during winter. We would absolutely never recommend to climb a snowy mountain while babywearing, but if you have to...for who knows what reason, you will be glad that you have this coat.
Focusing on carrying
Liliputi Mama Coats involve numerous solutions that support carrying. Thanks to the zippers applied under the armpits, the coat can be easily taken on and off, even with your little baby on your back, ready to go. The bottom of the coat, supplied with an elastic cord, can be adjusted to the required width to keep always the tiny legs of your baby warm too. As a part of the coat, the baby insert offers solutions for both front and back carry, it can be easily fastened through the zipper as well as fitted perfectly with the help of two buttoned rubber and one built in string. Two pockets with thermo lining warm the hands in order to bolster the mommies’ extra comfort.
Besides, it is pretty as well!
We have incorporated all our knowledge and creativity to lend rich functionality along with special and unique appearance to our coat. Talented Hungarian designers also contributed in the construction.
What about the quality?
We know that the Liliputi® Babywearing & Mama Coat is not cheap… The reason for that is the highest quality materials we applied without compromise. Through its production too, the highest quality standards prevail. These coats do not originate from Far Eastern mass production, but from our own Hungarian manufacture, so that we can personally check every item directly and separately. If you are looking for the best relation quality/price in a mama coat, you´ve found it.
Three-times Award-Winner
The Liliputi® Mama Coat has already won three awards! In 2015 was chosen as winner of Green Scene and Family Choice Awards, in 2016 it was evaluated with golden medal on Mom's Choice Awards. Hip-Hip-Hurray! We are soooooo proud!
Liliputi usub koos veedetud aega. Naeru. Otsaette tehtud musidesse. Õhtujuttudesse.
Aeglasesse elutemposse. Pikka perspektiivi. Kogukonda panustamisesse. Oma inimestesse. Loovusesse. Raskesse töösse.Liliputi soov on edendada tervislikku lapsekandmist ning vanema ja lapse lähedust kõrge kvaliteediga lapsekandmisvahendite abil, mis on toodetud keskkonnasõbralikest materjalidest, kasutades kohalikul käsitööl põhinevat tootmistehnoloogiat. Kõike sellekes, et panustada rõõmsasse ja jätkusuutlikku tulevikku meie laste jaoks.
Liliputi tahab teha sinu igapäevaelu lastega natukene lihtsamaks. Kõik Liliputi tooted valmivad kõrge kvaliteediga lastesõbralikest materjalidest, enamus neist kannab GOTS sertifikaati. Paljusid Liliputi tooteid tehakse käsitsi, eesmärgiga tagada täiuslikkus tootmise igas faasis. Jätkusuutlikkus ja keskkonnakaitse on Liliputile olulised väärtused.
Liliputi kandelina kangas on pehme, sile – võiks öelda et isegi veidi nagu siidine, meeldiv ka palja naha vastas ja hea meelega seod sinna sisse õrna beebit
Kõrge kvaliteediga tooted ja lisaks veel ilusad ka. Väga mugav kasutada.
Suurepärased tooted ja suurepärane teenindus.
Liliputi Eesti
Liliputi Eesti usub suurtesse unistustesse ja väikestesse sammudesse. Tahame muuta lapsekandmise ja paljajalujalatsite maailma Eestis, Lätis, Leedus ja Soomes kirevamaks ja rikkalikumaks, tuues sulle Liliputi tooted, mis sobivad hästi meie kliimasse. Oleme siin, et teha lapsevanemlus sinu jaoks kergemaks ja lasta su lastel nautida looduslähedast ning vabadusest tulvil lapsepõlve. Teeme seda suure armastusega ja loodame, et ka sina avastad Liliputi imelise maailma.